At the 2022 Conscious Capitalism CEO Summit, CCI board member Rand Stagen, CEO of Stagen Leadership Academy, took the mainstage to elaborate on the pursuit of Higher Ground.
At the onset of his keynote, Rand shared an image of a projection of the United States flag superimposed over split concrete. “What comes to mind, what comes into your bones, when you see this image?” he asked. Noting his own discomfort, Rand referenced years of unrest that have politically and socially divided the United States, touching specifically on the racial unrest of 2020.
During his keynote, we gathered three takeaways that resonated for finding Higher Ground in our conscious community.
Pay attention
In light of George Floyd’s murder, Rand shared his own subsequent feelings of sadness, anger, and confusion and touched on the contrast to the reactions of his friends who were less affected. Ultimately, Rand realized that difference was in the fact that they were not truly paying attention to what was going on in the world around them.
Quoting Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence, Rand said, “If you’re not confused, you’re not paying attention.”
Rand then set out on a journey to discover what was going on for him personally, for the communities around him, and for society. In this pursuit of awareness, Rand was able to dive deeper into issues on race, income inequality, and other socio-cultural conflicts today.
Consider other worldviews
Every individual has their own worldview, and we often strive for common ground. Though this can be beneficial at times, Rand laments that common ground requires all parties to give something up. Instead, he proposes advancing to a collective Higher Ground, which means understanding that others have views that may differ from one’s own and trying to see the good in those views.
“I want to invite all of us into the possibility that the world that we’re seeing as full of conflict is being processed and interpreted and meaning is being made of that in unique ways,” Rand shared. “When we think about worldviews and that there’s a lens that we’re actually filtering reality through … we don’t see the world as it is, we see the world as we are.”
To Rand, it’s especially important for Conscious Leaders to have the self-awareness to consider other worldviews and appreciate the diversity of thought that goes into each person making sense of the world in their own ways, especially in times of conflict.
Find the light in others’ perspectives
While each worldview has its positives, which Rand refers to as the “light,” all have their negatives, too, which he calls the “shadow.”
To achieve Higher Ground, Rand doesn’t suggest ignoring the shadows of others’ worldviews, but instead calls for leaders to lean into the light to more effectively collaborate and connect with those who may seem vastly different. Through this Higher Ground we can work together to find solutions that pull from the “light” of every world view. When leaders are able to identify their shared values, our community is better able to unite on our shared goal to Elevate Humanity Through Business.
Registration is open for the 2023 CEO Summit
Conscious Capitalism, Inc. is excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2023 Conscious Capitalism CEO Summit. The CEO Summit is our premier experience for CEOs, presidents, and founders committed to elevating humanity through business. Nominate yourself or a peer to attend →