If you’re in the brand marketing and advertising world, chances are you’ve heard of Simon Mainwaring.

Before committing to elevating humanity through business with his brand consultancy, We First, he had already won over 60 international creativity awards spanning the Cannes Advertising Festival, British Design & Art Direction, U.S. One Show and others. His career included heading notable accounts with some of the leading creative agencies in the industry, including Nike at Wieden+Kennedy in Portland and Motorola at Olgilvy in Los Angeles.
Simon’s professional achievements were something to be proud of for sure. But two life changing epiphanies would reveal to him that his business acumen could bring much more value into the world than it was.
Bill Gates’ infamous 2008 World Economic Forum speech led him to realize that capitalism was indeed a powerful catalyst for positive change, and that he had the skill set necessary to harness that power toward making the world a better place. The loss of his father revealed the need to reassess his own higher purpose, which led to a major change that would become We First.
The masterful raconteur that Simon is, we hope you’ll enjoy hearing his story as much as we did.