Leslie Amerman


, Dynamic Interactions

Houston Chapter

Having been in the workforce over 30 years, Leslie created Dynamic Interactions in 2008 as a resource to teams and organizations seeking to become “healthy” and “conscious”.  She applies her speaking, facilitation, coaching and most importantly her real-life, in-the-trenches business experience to guiding her client’s organizations to defining and applying qualities and practices today that lead to sustained future performance.   

Leslie has spent years bringing conscious business practices and tools into a variety of industries and environments (often for the first time), advising executives, CEO and Founders and supporting conscious, engaged, and strategically thoughtful teams. She is known for her can-do optimism, which has allowed her to work with clients to realize their purpose and goals. Leslie is motivated by the positive impact conscious business has in the world and specifically, in people’s lives. 

Her big vision: That every person can realize their individual value and the difference they make in the lives of those around them. 

Her expertise: Supporting cultures of wellness and authenticity. Designing custom leadership development programs. Supporting highly effective teams through application of Conversational Intelligence® and embodying conscious leadership practices. Executive/Life/Health coaching and consulting, strategy meetings, and finding purpose meetings. Asking the skillful questions that invite others to drop into their core values, express them, and believe that they truly can achieve what they most want. Inviting rich collaborations that create win-win-win business opportunities and personal growth. 

Leslie also provides training and consulting in the area of Conscious Leadership, Building a Conscious Culture, and Manifesting Purpose.