San Diego Chapter
Erlinde moved from the EU to the US in 2013 after her PhD, and currently works as an Associate Professor of Marketing at SDSU. She teaches Marketing Research and Sustainability at the Fowler College of Business, serves as the Chair of the SDSU’s Senate Sustainability Committee, and as a co-PI for SCEIN (Southern California Energy Innovation Network), a Cleantech incubator funded by the CEC (California Energy Commission). She serves on the Board of Directors for In Good Company, a local non-profit, and volunteers in her community. Her academic research interests include social, economic, and environmental sustainability. She works on federal grant-funded research on climate resilience in underserved communities. In her free time, Erlinde spends as much time as possible offline and outdoors (backpacking, hiking, bike riding, etc) or in her kitchen (vegan cooking). She lives in a small, sustainable biophilic paradise together with her husband and her adventure cat, Chamise.