San Diego Chapter
Hello! My name is Dylan Greher & I am a senior student (Earth & Space Ecopreneur) at UC San Diego studying International Business at the Rady School of Management, with a focus on lean startup methodology. I’m a connector and believe that bringing together problem-solvers from across disciplines & lived experiences will be instrumental in surmounting humanity’s social & environmental challenges.
I’m interested in mitigating Climate Change & addressing injustices that arise from an unhealthy relationship with Earth. For over 6,000 years (dating back to the first cities), the Tragedy of the Commons has diminished the well-being of life on Earth. Throughout human civilization, we’ve prioritized maximization (extracting as many natural resources as possible). While this behavior makes the quarterly numbers look good, there’s something missing. We are neglecting the prosperity of those who we do & don’t call our kin. We are harming local communities today while perpetuating harmful externalized costs on broader society & future generations.
In a broad scope, business is the #1 contributor to climate change. Thankfully, we can contribute to the movement of countries, businesses & people transitioning toward environmental stewardship. Conscious companies outperform extractive ones while teaching & exploring new ways of supporting a happier & healthier planet. A compassionate company culture can move mountains, driving innovation & social intrapreneurship at every level. By boosting sustainability beyond three months & into the future, businesses will thrive.
In my free time, I enjoy spending time outside, going to the beach & camping. Over the past couple of years, I’ve reconnected with my childhood interest in space, and I love learning about astrophysics & astronomy. I’m also a creative artist & use a variety of mediums & styles to explore sustainability, life, philosophy, the human condition, space, time & more.