Capitalism is empowering.

It promotes financial freedom and fosters a sense of accountability.

But, for it to be conscious…

we need to think beyond profit and practice business in an ethical, socially responsible, and sustainable way. And we want to help leaders around the world get closer to this goal and create businesses with purpose and people at the center.

Which is why we need your help.

Become a Member of CCI’s new membership today and help us actively expand this community!

Becoming a member of CCI is a massive step forward in creating a robust, community-driven network of conscious leaders from all over the country. And as a Member, you will:

Expand your professional network by connecting with other Members and bringing in promising new members, creating an interconnected nationwide community.

Leverage your voice, experience, and expertise to help shape the future of the membership, ensuring it evolves to meet the needs of its members

Gain exclusive access to national CCI content, top-tier educational opportunities, and special networking events tailored just for you

Get a 25% discount on select local and national events

Get a special ‘Member’ badge you can use on all your social media platforms

Receive exclusive, never-seen-before content from leaders in our community

All for just $450 a year.

This joining rate will be honored every year as long as you remain active in the community and contribute to its growth.

Start your journey as a CCI Member now!

Here’s the thing…

There are only 50 spots available for founding members, and we’ve opened a nationwide call to find the brightest, most driven minds around.

Minds that can help us reach our ambitious but necessary goal of activating 10 million conscious leaders in the next ten years.

And we think you might be one of them.

Become part of the cause

So, how can you tell if being a Member is right for you before then?

All you need to do is tick off any of the below points that apply to you:

You’re passionate about using business as a force for good and creating a world where freedom, compassion, and connection take center stage

You’re itching to make a real difference and be a part of a community of like minded people

The idea of changing the way people run their businesses by contributing to the growth of Conscious Capitalism genuinely inspires you

You look forward to playing an active part in co-creating and shaping the community and membership program

You’re eager to get a first-hand look into how leaders, academics and entrepreneurs across the country are building and pioneering innovative practices in Conscious Capitalism

Most importantly, you want to connect with and learn from other leaders in your journey

If you ticked off at least 4 out of 6 points, you’re already a conscious leader committed to building ethical business practices and furthering the Conscious Capitalism mission.

And that means you’ll be perfect as a Member!

Begin your journey now

Need to know more?

We understand! To help make your decision to enroll easier, here are some answers to questions you might have for us:

The Conscious Capitalism Consultant Certification Program is a 52-week online program.
We accept 16-20 participants into each cohort.
We hold monthly webinars for each new module in the fourth week of every month. These sessions will be live and recorded for those who cannot attend. In addition, we offer Office Hours in the second week of every month, and we also split the cohort up into Small Groups that meet in the third week of every month to discuss the course content as well as their ongoing applications with a client, etc.
Yes! We will share the syllabus with you before our first Module Review.

We understand that you have full-time work commitments and have made sure to keep the course flexible enough to accommodate your schedule.

That being said, you will need to dedicate some time to it every month to fully immerse yourself!

On average, you can expect to spend between 8-12 hours per month on coursework and, at least, an additional 5-8 hours per month applying what you are learning with a client as part of the case study element of the program.

Certification is dependent upon each candidate demonstrating competency across three areas:

  • Test of Curriculum Comprehension
  • Demonstrated Success with a Client (Pilot Case Study)
  • Recommendation from Client
Conscious Capitalism is exploding as a movement and new approaches are being identified every day. In order to ensure certified consultants are up to date practitioners, we require enrollment in at least 1 continuing education module each year, and a recertification every 3 years. The time commitment and costs of continuing education will be a fraction of the comprehensive certification program enrollment fee and dependent on the depth of study you choose. While the re-certification every 3 years must be completed through Conscious Capitalism, Inc., a portion of the annual education credits may be sourced from different training programs so long as they are pre-approved by CCI.
Absolutely! We have a pay in 12 installments option on the registration page.
Unfortunately, we don’t offer this right now, but we are working on it!

Be part of one of the country’s biggest communities of conscious leaders as a Member!

Please view the Terms & Conditions for membership here.

Join the Waitlist

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the membership goes live!